Is Lockdown Taking It's Toll On Your Mental Health?
The Coronavirus pandemic is unlike anything else the majority of us have ever seen or experienced. When the news of the virus hit us...

Covid-19 : Bringing The Counselling Room To YOU...
While Covid-19 continues to disrupt daily life, your mental health does not need to suffer. Online Counselling Sessions Available.

George Floyd. A counsellors perspective, a human perspective.
I’ve spent the last few days considering a response to the recent death of George Floyd and the civil unrest that has understandably...

George Floyd. A counsellors perspective, a human perspective.
I’ve spent the last few days considering a response to the recent death of George Floyd and the civil unrest that has understandably...

How do I know I’m ready to start therapy?
Reaching the decision to start therapy doesn’t come easily. You may find that you have been contemplating seeing a counsellor for some...

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Change the way you think and change your brain.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) while being one of the more familiar and well known therapies often gets a bad name as it can be seen...

How To Survive The Christmas Blues
Christmas time is well and truly here; it is everywhere and unavoidable. Even those we would consider to have ‘good mental health’ can...

How To Improve Self-Esteem
I recently had a counselling session approaching with a client where we had identified that our next session would be focused...

How can I look after my employee’s mental health and wellbeing?
To begin, I would ask you to not be afraid of the term ‘mental health’. We all have mental health, and it will move within a spectrum of...

Being Perfect Isn't Good Enough.
Like most of us I’m sure, I’ve had a year faced with challenges, nothing too wild - certainly not climbing Everest. But challenges in my...