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Marie Finan Bsc (Hons) MBACP
Mental Health Training
Not all of us are experts in mental health - and that's okay! However, having insight and some knowledge around mental health can be a huge advantage in the workplace.
Counselling skills training can be particularly beneficial to managers in terms of how they interact with people. While those in HR and OH often already have a skillset that enables them to understand, connect and engage with people, managers are often not recruited for these skills.
I offer a number of mental health training packages that can benefit your businesses approach to mental health in the following areas;
• Understanding mental health, common issues and factors that affect mental health
• Explore how an employees behaviour may influence/affect other team members during periods of stress e.g. organisational change
• Recognise some of the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health
• Feel confident in starting mental health conversations
• Take steps to improve your own mental well-being
• Identify and implement practical approaches to support colleagues within the workplace
• Stress Risk Assessments for teams using the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards
To discuss your needs further and receive a quote for training please email me with a brief outline of your requirements via this link.