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Mental Health @ Work



We can all be vulnerable to mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression, and you and your employees are no different.


Work may be the cause of these problems, or our performance at work may suffer because of them. Either way, talking, offloading and exploring issues with an experienced and qualified counsellor can have huge benefits to the individual, as well as the organisation.


Counselling offers employees a safe, confidential place to talk about anything that may be confusing, painful or uncomfortable, and allows them to talk with someone who is trained to listen attentively and to help them improve the situation.


It is an invaluable resource for managers or HR,who can refer employees to counselling when they feel unable to help with a more complex or personal problem that an employee is facing.


I work with a number of small to medium sized businesses that want to support their employees at challenging times. I can work with you to ensure you have the mental health wellbeing support in place that is right for your business. You do not need to commit to a contract, support can effectively be a "pay as you go" arrangement.


If you would like to discuss how an employee counselling service may benefit your business please get in touch with me here.

Reduce Staff Absences!


A 2010 systematic study by McLeod showed that workplace counselling interventions have been found to reduce sickness absence rates in organisations by as much as 50%


This demonstrates the cost-effective nature of counselling, and the positive impact it can have on an organisation’s productivity.

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